OpenPCR project – Open Source and Hackable PCR Machine
Recently I came up to a cool project – OpenPCR, which aims to develop an “open design” of a PCR machine. The project goal is to get a working prototype (and free schematics) of a computer controlled PCR machine that uses normal PCR tubes and is can be built mostly with off the shelf components. At the end it ill make possible to build a PCR machine spending $300 in parts, which will likely be as powerful as any non-realtime PCR available on the market.
Since the major PCR patents expired in 2005 and 2006 these guys (Josh Perfetto and Tito Jankowski) got the idea for the project and started with it’s realization.
They are still raising money for this project using Kickstarter, for funding their research and experiments. So if you want this “dream” to become a reality, you can think about making a donation.